How and why fast-moving organizations should reimagine e-learning
E-learning is not what you think it is
What is e-learning?
E-learning has been a buzzword in the L&D sphere for quite some time. The abbreviation in full stands for learning by electronic means.
Traditionally, e-learning has existed in two main forms:
- Online courses taken at your own pace. Like reading a book on your computer.
- Virtual training held with a group. Like being in a classroom on your laptop.
这些传统形式的电子学习基本上是被动的体验 have struggled to create engagement. 这就是为什么电子学习名声不佳——尤其是在工作场所. By associating e-learning with online courses and classrooms, we have unfairly narrowed the definition of e-learning. Yet the reality of e-learning today is actually very different.
What is e-learning really?
就像常规学习一样,电子学习在组织中无处不在. It happens during an online retro, when someone asks a question over chat, 或者在我们在线交流思想和知识的任何其他互动中.
The faster a company grows, the more knowledge it produces. 它产生的知识越多,知识就变得越分散.
Great e-learning starts with overcoming the great content scatter
What is the great content scatter?
一家公司发展得越快,它在更多的地方产生和积累的知识就越多. 想想你的组织用来非正式地分享知识和信息的所有工具:
- PowerPoint presentations
- Notion and other Wiki docs
- Slack messages
- Zoom meetings
- Google docs
- Miro boards
- PDF files
And the list goes on.
There is a wealth of expertise living inside these tools. 所有这些内容的总和就是组织的集体智慧. 这种集体智慧比其重量的黄金更有价值. 但你无法意识到它的价值,因为你的知识太分散了.
This is what we mean by the great content scatter. These tools might not be formal e-learning tools, but they are where your organization's learning happens.
How do you overcome the great content scatter?
The great content scatter is costing you time and money. Consider this scenario:
你的新销售代表希望在邀请潜在客户共进午餐之前查看公司的费用政策. They remember seeing a slide during an onboarding session, but they're not sure where that slide lives. So they DM your finance manager and wait for a reply. 想象一下,每天有100个这样的微瞬间发生在你的公司里.
When your content is scattered, 寻找答案的人花费的时间比寻找答案所需的时间要多. And those holding the answers spend too much time answering them. 这是每个人都可以花在手头工作上的宝贵时间.
六个不同平台的解决方案既不结构化也不可扩展. 它可能适合一个五人的初创公司,但它会阻碍一个五百人的规模扩大. 为了利用组织的集体知识和专业技能的力量,您需要简化. You need one home for all your e-learning.
未来的电子学习解决方案使您的所有知识和学习内容都是动态的. Everything should be:
- Editable: Anyone should be able to update content in real-time
- 可查询:每个人都应该能够在需要的时候搜索到他们需要的东西,并接收到正确的信息
Once you have this foundation in place, the fun can really begin.
First simplify e-learning. Then make it engaging.
有了合适的电子学习解决方案,是时候采取下一步了. E-learning needs to be engaging to be effective. At Sana, we believe that learning is most engaging when it's personalized, collaborative, and interactive. Here's why and how you can make the most of these learning modes.
(a) Personalize courses to make e-learning more relevant
Everyone's knowledge level and learning needs are different. That's why individuals experiencing learning that adapts to their needs outperform those that don't.
Sana是为数不多的使用大发体育在线首页提供大规模个性化学习体验的平台之一. Thanks to smart features like placement tests, Sana将评估每个开始你课程的人的知识水平,跳过每个人已经知道的内容. 然后,Sana将根据每个人的知识差距量身定制测验,以增加知识保留. So whether your team is taking a course in compliance or coaching, the experience will feel relevant to everyone.
(b) Run collaborative sessions to make e-learning more active
积极的、与同伴一起动手学习是最有效的成长方式之一. 在讨论、辩论和应用我们的知识时,我们形成了新的观点和想法. That 集体经验促进知识的理解和保留.
Sana的本地构建的现场体验可以轻松地将您的远程或混合团队聚集在一起. Kick off your topic with a video, follow up with a poll to gauge opinion, then split the group into breakouts based on those poll results. 利用这些突发事件来促进更深入的讨论或积极地解决问题. 反思卡和聊天线程总是用来吸引那些不太自信的人说出来.
Studies from Carnegie Mellon University have shown that we learn six times more with interactive e-learning versus a regular online course.
In Sana, you can make any type of learning experience interactive. Polls, quizzes, reflection cards, 此外,还有更多的自定进度课程和现场小组课程可供选择.
Any of these ingredients will spice up your e-learning. Combine all three, and you've made the magic recipe.
Build a continuous culture around e-learning
Tools will only get you so far. 最成功的电子学习策略是将创新技术与开放的文化相结合. And that culture has to come from the very top. 除非你的领导优先考虑学习,否则你的组织的其他人永远不会.
Here are two tips to set you on the right path.
1. Establish informal learning rituals
仪式是帮助员工建立联系的经常性活动或互动. They are the glue that holds team culture together.
在Sana,我们使用学习仪式来降低知识共享障碍. One of those rituals is the Lunch and Learn. 每个月两次,Sana团队的一名成员将深入研究选定的感兴趣或专业知识的主题. 我们的课程范围从理解有效的沟通到识别八种熊. Then we have our Last Week I Learned, aka LWIL. LWIL takes place every Monday All Hands meeting. 有些人会花三分钟来分享他们在前一周学到的有趣的东西. 这是一种很受欢迎的仪式,因为它使一个重要的全公司聚会变得轻松,同时也使准备工作变得轻松. 当然,我们直接在Sana平台上运行所有这些仪式.
2. Role-model knowledge sharing and lead by example
We cannot be what we cannot see. 如果领导者希望他们的团队有时间学习,他们自己也必须腾出时间.
一个策略是成为你的电子学习平台的形象大使. 在团队环境中尽可能多地使用它,向其他人展示如何使用它,强化其好处. 在Sana,我们使用自己的平台来托管从公司手册到日常脱口秀的所有内容.
Another simple way to lead by example is to block out your time. 如果你的公司有一个开放的日历政策,为自己设置一个循环的“学习时间”邀请. 当一个有冲突的会议出现时,说你必须重新安排. By building a learning routine, we form a learning habit. And habits are more reliable than motivation. The more people see you sustaining your learning habit, the more inspired they will be to do the same.
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